I came home from work last night at around 10:30pm. Usually I end up watching some crappy late night television to get me ready for bed, but last night I felt like singing.
So I tip toed across the hall, opened the study door ever so gently and grabbed a hymnal and a campfire song booklet.
I sat down on the floor in our loungeroom and had an amazing experience!
I began with the campfire song booklet and went from start to finish. I haven't sung some of those wonderful songs in years. The poor old covers were faded and well worn. It made me remember back to the times when I was little. So many cherished memories of when I was a child, singing at the church reunions and youth camps .... back in the good old days when everyone got along. Oh how I long for those times!
I can still imagine us all sitting on picnic blankets up at Mt. Glorious, infront of a raging camp fire, all rugged up, singing our hearts out.
Some of my all time favourites would have to be-
Rejoice in the Lord and King of Kings .... because I loved how we would split into two groups and sing the different verses together..... It made me sad when I was singing them though, because now all I have is the alternate verse being played and remembered in my mind, instead of singing along with me as I sing.
Swing Low Sweet Chariot.... because it reminded me of when Uncle Peter would get up and do the actions for it.... and then make us do them aswell when we sped up the pace! I was never fast enough, but it was so much fun watching everyone else attempt it!
Give me oil in my lamp.... because it gives me hope for when Jesus comes again and reminds me that we should be more diligent in seeking Him through all of our actions and become closer to Him by reading our scriptures. What a precious gift we have that we so often take for granted!
This is a Family..... no explanation needed. I really felt apart of a big church family whenever we sung this one at reunions and camps. You always came away from them feeling closer to people then when you came. A real christian love.
John Jacob.... who didn't like this one when they were a kid! And who kept it up for a few more verses after it went silent ..... me !!
We are one in the Spirit.... this one will always be close to my heart. Why? Because when I was a little girl my dad and I sung this one at church. It was the first time I had got up infront of everyone and I was nervous about being up in front of the congregation so dad led me to the middle of all of the chairs where they were sitting, bent down to be closer to my height, held my hand and we sung it. It has always been a favourite of mine and whenever I sing it I remember back to that day. I sung all the verses with no mistakes. I still love singing it with my dad in the car.
For those tears I died..... when I was younger and didn't know very much I would dread this song as to me it went for sooo looooong .... but now I get a tear in my eye just singing it because I sing it with meaning and take in every word.
Seek Ye First and It only takes a Spark..... page 13 in the booklet ! Two of my favourites also. Why? Because they make me happy when I sing them!
He Picked me up..... another childhood favourite. I loved singing this song super duper fast! It was always a competition who could sing it the fastest without making mistakes.
By the time I sung them all the way through it was around 11:30pm so I decided to go to bed instead of start singing from the hymn book.... maybe that can be my thing tonight ;)
I hope my first blog didn't bore anyone .... :)
31 March 2010
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